Farms for sale in France : Our regions

Quatuor, 20 years of network

Are you planning to set up a business, looking for an opportunity to expand or relocating to a new region? Looking to explore a new territory? Look no further! We’re here to help you make the right choices. Quatuor-Transactions has been present in the west of France for 20 years. Each département to the west of a line running from Rouen to Montpellier benefits from the expertise of a local negotiator, a specialist in the region and a key player in local agriculture.  

At Quatuor-Transactions, we know that our negotiators need to be deeply rooted in the regions they cover. This proximity gives them a thorough understanding of local conditions, such as climate, soil types, farming practices, regional challenges and farm development opportunities.  

Our negotiators approach each situation with a realistic vision that is adapted to local conditions, enabling them to respond effectively to the needs of farmers as they set up and transfer their businesses, while taking account of regional and national issues.  

With a local presence spanning more than 20 years, our team has built up a solid network of partners and contacts, making it easier for farmers to set up in business.  

Each region has its own agricultural characteristics, and it’s crucial to understand these particularities before launching a farming project. In-depth knowledge of local conditions enables you to assess the viability of your project and adjust strategies accordingly. For example, irrigation requirements, soil types and crop varieties can vary considerably from one region to another.  

That’s why it’s essential to have a local contact in each region and for each production, who can assess regional specificities and ensure that the project is well adapted to local conditions.  


Brittany is a region rich in history, with magnificent landscapes and renowned gastronomy. It attracts many tourists every year, thanks to its deeply rooted traditions and strong regional identity. It’s also an ideal place for agriculture, with a climate conducive to mixed farming and livestock rearing. Brittany is the number one region in France in terms of creating agricultural jobs, and supports projects to set up new farms to ensure the next generation of farmers. With its pleasant living environment and forward-looking agricultural dynamic, it’s a destination of choice for farmers.  

See all our projects in Bretagne

Les Pays de la Loire

With around 23,000 farms, including a variety of livestock and crops such as cereals, vegetables, viticulture and arboriculture, the agricultural landscape of the Pays de Loire is complete. The oceanic climate favours these activities, thanks to mild winters and regular rainfall.  

The region has a dynamic agricultural base, is well served by agri-food industries and is a leader in organic farming. It offers a high quality of life, with a growing demographic dynamism and affordable agricultural land!  

See all our projects in Pays de la Loire


Normandie, with its 600 km of diversified coastline, offers an environment that is ideal for agriculture, thanks to its oceanic climate favourable to livestock farming. The region benefits from a solid agri-food infrastructure, and stands out for its AOC/AOP quality products. As a leader in the equine sector, it attracts many farmers, supported by regional schemes, making Normandie an ideal home for the agricultural sector.  

See all our projects in Normandie

Centre Val de Loire

The Centre-Val de Loire region, in the heart of France, offers an exceptional setting for those looking to set up a business. With its diverse landscapes, temperate climate and fertile soils, this region offers many advantages for farmers, whether you’re planning to grow arable crops, vegetables or livestock. The region also benefits from a rich agricultural and cultural heritage, with numerous markets and events showcasing local products. In addition to its agricultural assets, the region offers a pleasant living environment, combining natural landscapes, historical heritage and proximity to major towns.  

See all our projects in Centre Val de Loire


Nouvelle-Aquitaine is a diversified agricultural region, thanks to the variety of its soils, the presence of groundwater and the establishment of agri-food industries. Livestock farming is concentrated in the north and east, crops in the south, and vineyards in Charentes and Gironde. The main crops include livestock, cereals, vines, market gardening and various local products such as truffles and melons. The region benefits from a mild oceanic climate, which is ideal for growing a variety of crops, and is highly attractive to tourists thanks to its landscapes, typical villages and coastline. The region’s agricultural dynamism is enhanced by the presence of agri-food infrastructures, co-operatives and international companies, as well as by its clustered, irrigated land parcels. The quality of life also attracts new residents, providing a favourable environment for the establishment of new farms 

See all our projects in Nouvelle Aquitaine


Occitanie is a region with a rich diversity of landscapes and soils, favouring a wide range of agricultural activities (cereals, market gardening, viticulture, livestock farming). It benefits from a Mediterranean and oceanic climate, giving many crops a long growing season. The region is also renowned for its agricultural and gastronomic heritage, with quality local produce. In addition to its agricultural assets, Occitanie offers a pleasant living environment, combining nature and urban dynamism. 

See all our projects in Occitanie